Callaway Autumn / Winter 2022 Catalogue

156 EMBROIDERY • SUPPLY US WITH YOUR LOGO This should be a high resolution electronic PC compatible artwork file, supplied in any of the formats shown below: These files should be readily available from your marketing department or your advertising, design or pr agency. Please ensure that any fonts used within your logo file have been converted to outlines. You can supply your electronic file on CD or by e-mail. Other logo formats: If necessary we can also potentially work with other high resolution (300dpi) file formats of PSD, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIFF or even a good quality printed copy of your letterhead, compliments slip or business card. However please note that if it is necessary to work with any of these alternative formats, this can cause delay and may incur additional charges. • COLOUR REFERENCES Please supply us with any Pantone (pms) colour references or run sheets detailing the thread colours required for embroidery. • ARTWORK PROCESS AND PROOFING Our studio production team will apply your logo to the products that you have selected and a pdf proof(s) will be sent out by e-mail to the contact address you have supplied. Once you are satisfied with the proof(s) and confirmed your approval we will commence production of the finished products. • SHIPPING We work to some of the tightest production lead times in the promotional industry and will always work with our customers to endeavour that we meet your required deadlines. .AI .JPG .EPS .PDF .CDR .EMB LOGO POSITIONS & EMBROIDERY TYPES 4 3 2 1 Please Note: Apparel logo size will be approximately 70mm, please request other size preferences at point of ordering. 1. Wearer’s Right Chest 2. Wearer’s Left Chest 3. Wearer’s Left Sleeve 4. Back of the Neck Please Note: Outside of ‘Club Colours’ all other selections are subject to the interpretation of Callaway. An ‘Artwork Proof’ form will be forwarded for approval before we commence production. A. CLUB COLOURS. Colours will be as provided in the original artwork file. B. COLOUR CO-ORDINATED COLOURS WILL be co-ordinated with the existing logo(s) C. TONAL COLOURS will be shades lighter or darker than the base colour of the garment. or trim on the garment. D. MONOCHROMATIC SINGLE COLOUR embroidery which matches the base colour of the garment. A B C D Our thanks to Ullna Golf Club for the use of the club A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 C A L L AWAY A P P A R E L E U R O P E BROIDERY 88 • SUPPLY US WITH YOUR LOGO This should be a high resolution electronic PC compatible rtwork file, supplied in any of the f rmats shown below: These files hould be readily available from your marketing department or your advertising, de ign or pr agency. Please ensur that any fonts used within your logo fi e have been converted to outlines. You can s pply your elect onic file on CD r by e-mail. Other logo formats: If necessary we can also potentially work ith other high resolution (300dpi) file formats of PSD, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIFF or even a good quality prin ed copy of your letterh ad, compliments slip or business card. However please note that if i is nece sary to work with any of these alt rn tive formats, this can cause delay and m y incur additional charges. • COLOUR REFERENCES Please supply us with any Pantone (pms) colour references or run sheets detailing the thread colours required for embroidery. • ARTWORK PROCESS AND PROOFING Our studio production team will apply your logo to the products that you have selected and a pdf proof(s) will be sent out by e-mail to the contact address you have supplied. Once you are satisfied with the proof(s) and confirmed your approval we will commence production of the finished products. • SHIPPING We work to some of the tightest production lead times in the promotional industry and will always work with our customers to endeavour that we meet your required deadlines. .AI .JPG .EPS .PDF .CDR .EMB LOGO POSITI NS & EMBROIDERY TYPES 4 3 2 1 Please Not : Apparel logo size will be approximately 70mm, please request other siz preferences at point of ordering. 1. Wearer’s Right Chest 2. Wearer’s L ft Chest 3. Wearer’s L ft Sl eve 4. Back of the Neck Please Note: Outside of ‘Club Colours’ all other selections are subject to the interpretation of Callaway. An ‘Artwork Proof’ form will be forwarded for approval before we commence production. A. CLUB COLOURS. Colours will be as provided in the original artwork file. B. COLOUR CO-ORDINATED COLOURS WILL be co-ordinated with the existing logo(s) C. TONAL COLOURS will be shades lighter or darker than the base colour of the garment. or trim on the garment. D. MONOCHROMATIC SINGLE COLOUR embroidery which matches the base colour of the garment. A B C D Our thanks to Ullna Golf Club for the use of the club A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 C A L L WAY P P R E L E U R O P E EMBROIDERY 88 EMBROIDERY